Doterra Petitgrain Oil (15mL)

銷售價格$36.00 CAD


可以在Wellvis Health Store取貨

通常會在 2-4 天內準備就緒


Petitgrain Essential Oil is derived from the leaves and twigs of the bitter orange tree, which has a long history of use in traditional health practices. Two other essential oils come from the same tree: Neroli from the blossoms and Bitter Orange from the fruit rinds.

Petitgrain oil is widely used in the perfume industry, giving body sprays, lotions, and colognes a fresh and herbaceous note that’s popular among both women and men.

Historically, petitgrain oil was used as a topical cleanser. People also consumed it to support healthy immune and nervous system function.* Emerging scientific evidence supports these and other uses.

By sourcing Petitgrain essential oil from Paraguay through Co-Impact Sourcing®, doTERRA supports needed rural community development projects and provides diversified income for small-scale farmers. Growing bitter orange trees allows farmers to earn income without clearcutting land for crops, protecting the remaining patches of the Atlantic Forest in eastern Paraguay.


  • Diffuse Petitgrain essential oil for a calming and relaxing aroma. It blends well with other citrus oils like Cassia, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus, Geranium, and Lemongrass.
  • Take Petitgrain oil internally to help ease feelings of tension, calm the nervous system, and promote restful sleep.*
  • Before going to bed, place a few drops of Petitgrain essential oil, along with Lavender or Bergamot oil, on pillows and bedding for a relaxing bedtime aroma.
  • Take one to two drops of Petitgrain oil in water or juice to help support cardiovascular, immune, nervous, and digestive health.*

Directions for Use

Aromatic use: Place three to four drops of Petitgrain essential oil in the diffuser of your choice.

Internal Use: Dilute one drop of Petitgrain oil in four fluid ounces of liquid.

Topical use: Apply one to two drops of Petitgrain essential oil to the desired area. Dilute with a carrier oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.

See additional precautions below.



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